Tuesday, June 26, 2012

the Lady Killer...

I watched a couple of videos today that were very inspiring. The first one was on Schoolism.com and it was a video interview with Armand Baltazar (which is an awesome name by the way!): http://www.schoolism.com/interview.php?id=80 The other video was also on Schoolism.com and it was a sample video of a caricature class with Jason Seiler who is fricken amazing: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=te4YXyqxY70&feature=plcp Both of which inspired me to bust out this piece of one of my most favorite musicians on the planet.

Side note: A good friend of mine pointed out how a lot of my portraits have been looking almost like caricatures so I decided I wanted to push this one a little more and give it more character. I had a blast with it!

Also to keep things interesting I made a step-by-step .Gif of my process.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

More Robots...

I wanted to show off some of my process on the robot that I posted previously, since I am sure some people might find this interesting ;) The second pic was some experimenting I was doing with different color combinations. A fun little test.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Ryan Reynolds

This was a fun one. I can't express to you how random I choose who I end up drawing for these exercises. I feel really good about this one. Facial proportions are a little off but I feel like I actually captured a recognizable likeness here.

Sunday, June 3, 2012


Finally took some time to sit down and do some art. This is the first piece I have done from beginning to end in a long time. Felt good to do something not work related and just for fun. I used to draw robots a lot back in the day. They are definitely challenging to me but I have dedicated myself to pushing my work out of the "comfort zone".